Comet C2017T1(Heinze)

Comet C2017T1(Heinze)
DATE = 2018-01-07T16:29:42.19 // Date of FITS file creation
SWCREATE= PRISM, Version, 2018-01-04 // Software Name and version
ORIGIN = Cepheids Astronomy // Origin place of FITS image
OBSERVER= Cepheids Astronomy // Observer name
SITELAT = +24:55:00:00 // Latitude observatory
SITELONG= +75:33:56:99 // Longitude observatory
UT = 03:14:17 PM.37 // UT begining of observation
EXPOSURE= 690.00000 // Exposure time seconds
XPIXELSZ= 12.90 // X pixel size microns
YPIXELSZ= 12.90 // Y pixel size microns
INSTRUME= ASCOM_ARTEMIS CCD: ATIK-414ex (247) // Camera which created data
TELESCOP= C11 // Telescope
FOCAL = 1447.0 // Focal length in mm
DIAMETER= 280.0 // Diameter in mm
OBJCTRA = 02 02 27.367 // Object Right Ascension (J2000)
OBJCTDEC= +68 10 02.99 // Object Declinaison (J2000)