Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS

Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS
DATE = ‘2020-04-05T17:02:47.384200’
SWCREATE= ‘PRISMv10/ Astrometrica’
ORIGIN = ‘Cepheid Observatory’
OBSERVER= ‘Agnihotri V K, Vora K
SITE = ‘+24:55:00:00/ ‘+75:33:58:99
DATE-OBS= ‘2020-04-05T15:29:46.682400UT
EXPOSURE= 120.00000 seconds
TELESCOP= ‘C8’ FOCAL = 1286.0 /Focal mm
DIAMETER= 208.0 /Diameter mm
OBJCTRA = ’07 22 31.988(J2000)/ OBJCTDEC= ‘+68 04 02.52(J2000)
Distance into the Sky/extended coma= 1’37”
Position Angle=107.72 Degree
Plotted: MagicPlotPro2.9.3
Cepheid Observatory India/Vorion Scientific Observatory India
Note: Comet seeming to be dimming at +13.8 R mag. more observations are being done.