41P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak ‘2017-03-27T19:47:03’
Tele: C11/0.28m/f10.0, KAF8300 (3326X2504, 5.4µmX5.4µm)
Filter: Clear Filter
Binning: 3X3 (16.21µmX16.21µm)
Tele field of view: 22.10acrminx16.66acrmin
Plate scale: 1.1859 arcsec/pix
Image rotation: Up is 146 degrees E of N astrometry.net
Comet phase angle: 58 deg
Exp: 47X40secs
Guiding: PHD2/ZWOASI120MM
OBJCTRA: 12 15 47
OBJCTDEC: +61 46 44
APT Tool, Maximdl, CCDstack, DS9
Cepheids Astronomy Group,RBT, India
Author: cepheids
C/2015 ER61 PANSTARRS ‘2017-03-28T23:55:36’
Tele: C11/0.28m/f10.0, KAF8300 (3326X2504, 5.4µmX5.4µm)
Filter: Clear Filter
Binning: 3X3 (16.21µmX16.21µm)
Tele field of view: 22.10acrminx16.66acrmin
Plate scale: 1.1859 arcsec/pix
Image rotation: Up is 146 degrees E of N astrometry.net
Comet phase angle: 47 deg
Exp: 5X40secs
Guiding: PHD2/ZWOASI120MM
OBJCTRA: 20 14 35
OBJCTDEC: -17 39 05
APT Tool, Maximdl, CCDstack, DS9
Cepheids Astronomy Group,RBT, India
DATE = ‘2017-10-24T23:20:38.20’ /Date of FITS file creation
SWCREATE= ‘PRISM, Version, 2017-09-15’ /PRISM Version
ORIGIN = ‘Cepheids Astronomy’ /Origin place of FITS image
OBSERVER= ‘Cepheids Astronomy’ /Observer name
SITELAT = ‘+24:55:00:00 ‘ /Latitude observatory
SITELONG= ‘+75:33:55:99 ‘ /Longitude observatory
DATE-OBS= ‘2017-10-24T22:17:30.29’ /UT date of Observation
UT = ’10:17:30 PM.29 ‘ /UT begining of observation
EXPOSURE= 1800.00000 /Exposure time seconds
XPIXELSZ= 10.80 /X pixel size microns
YPIXELSZ= 10.80 /Y pixel size microns
INSTRUME= ‘ARTEMIS CCD ATIK-383L’ /Camera which created data
FILTERS = ‘CLEAR ‘ /Filters
TELESCOP= ‘C11 ‘ /Telescope
FOCAL = 1660.0 /Focal length in mm
DIAMETER= 280.0 /Diameter in mm
OBJCTRA = ’04 51 03.268 ‘ /Object Right Ascension (J2000)
OBJCTDEC= ‘+62 07 56.86 ‘ /Object Declinaison (J2000)
Comet C2017T1(Heinze)
Comet C2017T1(Heinze)
DATE = 2018-01-07T16:29:42.19 // Date of FITS file creation
SWCREATE= PRISM, Version, 2018-01-04 // Software Name and version
ORIGIN = Cepheids Astronomy // Origin place of FITS image
OBSERVER= Cepheids Astronomy // Observer name
SITELAT = +24:55:00:00 // Latitude observatory
SITELONG= +75:33:56:99 // Longitude observatory
UT = 03:14:17 PM.37 // UT begining of observation
EXPOSURE= 690.00000 // Exposure time seconds
XPIXELSZ= 12.90 // X pixel size microns
YPIXELSZ= 12.90 // Y pixel size microns
INSTRUME= ASCOM_ARTEMIS CCD: ATIK-414ex (247) // Camera which created data
TELESCOP= C11 // Telescope
FOCAL = 1447.0 // Focal length in mm
DIAMETER= 280.0 // Diameter in mm
OBJCTRA = 02 02 27.367 // Object Right Ascension (J2000)
OBJCTDEC= +68 10 02.99 // Object Declinaison (J2000)
64P/Swift-Gehrels , 2018-10-12T21:29:34.67 UT, Speed=0.53″/min, PA=22.1Deg, UCAC4, Mag=13.8 nucleus,
+24:55:00N, +75:33:59E,EXP: 1260 secs,12.9µm/12.9µm, 19’X14′, ATIK-414exmono, R Bessell, 1.66″/pix,
C11/f5.5/fl 1548.6mm/D280mm, OBJCRA 00 32 38.487, OBJCDEC= +33 33 50.29, CCDT= -4.9 DegC.
Astrometrica “ADES”, PRISMv10.
Cepheids Astronomy, RBT, INDIA.
45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova ‘2017-02-23T22:57:20’
Tele: C11/0.28m/f10.0, KAF8300 (3326X2504, 5.4µMX5.4µM)
Filter: XAF-GCE125 565rb (www.omegafilters.com/565rb.html)
Binning: 3X3 (16.21µmX16.21µm)
Tele field of view: 22.10acrminx16.66acrmin
Plate scale: 1.1859 arcsec/pix
Angle: 55.2 Deg
Exp: 25X60secs
Guiding: PHD2/ZWOASI120MM
OBJCTRA: 11 45 28
OBJCTDEC: +29 06 50
APT Tool, Maximdl, CCDstack, DS9
Cepheids Astronomy Group,RBT, India.
Comet C2014Q2 Lovejoy
Comet C2014Q2 Lovejoy, Dated: 2014.12.20, UT: 17:59.22, 24:55N/75:34E, RBT,India
Tele: 0.2m/f6.3, Exp: 100x30secs, Filter: Clear, Atik383L+monoCCD
Image size: 46.3×34.9, Platescale: 1.66arcsec/pix
Imaged: Cepheids Astronomy Group.
BL2005/EQ J2143+4612
BL2005/EQJ2143+4612 (nearUGC11800)seems to in outburst: https://www.aavso.org/vsx/index.php?view=detail.top..
V BAND: +14.98 UCAC4, ‘2018-04-01T23:19:01.72
Cepheids Astronomy Group, RBT, India
PNV J18040967-1803581
We observed after the prompt notification from Patrick Schmeer as follows:
DATE-OBS= ‘2018-04-08T17:08:48
PNV J18040967-1803581: possible nova (11.2 mag) in Sagittarius
PNV J18040967-1803581 (N:)
RA 18h04m09.67s, DEC -18°03’58.1″ (J2000.0)
2018 April 8.7229 UT, 11.2 mag (CCD, unfiltered)
Independent discoverers: Tadashi Kojima (Gunma-ken, Japan) and Hideo Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan)
We observed transient at RA: 18:04:09.456, DEC: -18:03:55.68, V MAGNITUDE= 11.74 ±0.04, B MAGNITUDE= 13.63 ±0.04.
Cepheids AStronomy Group, RBT, India.
Comet 38P/Stephan-Oterma
38P/Stephan-Oterma, 2018-10-12T22:02:50.68 UT, Speed=1.53″/min, PA=70.7Deg, UCAC4, Mag=13.5 nucleus, +24:55:00N, 75:33:59E,
EXP: 420 secs,12.9µm/12.9µm, 19’X14′, ATIK-414exmono, R Bessell, 1.66″/pix, C11/f5.5/fl 1548.6mm/D280mm, OBJCRA 06 25 0.470, OBJCDEC= +14 10 46.28, CCDT= -4.9 DegC.
Astrometrica “ADES”, PRISMv10.
Cepheids Astronomy, RBT, INDIA.