C/2017 E4 Lovejoy

C/2017 E4 Lovejoy ‘2017-03-31T23:38:58’
Tele: C11/0.28m/f10.0, KAF8300 (3326X2504, 5.4µmX5.4µm)
Filter: Clear Filter
Binning: 3X3 (16.21µmX16.21µm)
Tele field of view: 22.10acrminx16.66acrmin
Plate scale: 1.1859 arcsec/pix
Image rotation: Up is 146 degrees E of N astrometry.net
Comet phase angle: 97 deg
Exp: 21X40secs
Guiding: PHD2/ZWO ASI120MM
OBJCTRA: 21 38 06
OBJCTDEC: +09 48 53
APT Tool, Maximdl, CCDstack, DS9
Cepheids Astronomy Group,RBT, India

SN2018kp /Seyfert galaxy NGC 3367

SN2018kp /Seyfert galaxy NGC 3367
DIST: 43.6 Mpc/142.1 Mlyr
OBSERVER= ‘Cepheids Astronomy’
DATE-OBS= ‘2018-02-22T22:17:53’
ORGNAME = ‘F:\Atik CCD\PRiSM FITS\PRiSM Images\Results\ngc3367_Clear.fits’
SWCREATE= ‘PRISM, Version, 04-01-2018’ /Software Name and version
ORIGIN = ‘Cepheids Astronomy’ /Origin place of FITS image
SITELAT = ‘+24:55:00:00 ‘ /Latitude observatory
SITELONG= ‘+75:33:58:99 ‘ /Longitude observatory
UT = ’22:17:53.33 ‘ /UT begining of observation
OBJCTRA = ’10 46 35.441 ‘ /Object Right Ascension (J2000)
OBJCTDEC= ‘+13 45 08.95 ‘ /Object Declinaison (J2000)



21P/Giacobini-Zinner, 2018-10-14T23:20:44.01 UT, Speed=2.39″/min, PA=164.6Deg, UCAC4, Mag=13.3 nucleus,
+24:55:00N, +75:33:59E,EXP: 1140 secs,12.9µm/12.9µm, 19’X14′, ATIK-414exmono, R Bessell, 1.66″/pix,
C11/f5.5/fl 1548.6mm/D280mm, OBJCRA 07 13 54.182, OBJCDEC= -15 33 58.15, CCDT= -4.9 DegC.
Astrometrica “ADES”, PRISMv10.
Cepheids Astronomy, RBT, INDIA.


Name : C/2018N2(ASASSN)
Perihelion date : 2458798.4623 10-11-2019 23:05:42
Eccentricity : 1.000165
Inclination (°): 77.5312
Node longitude (°): 25.2588
Argument (°): 24.3963
perihelion distance (ua): 3.124639
Absolute Magnitude : 6
Activity Parameter : 4
Julian day : 2458838.17830578
Sun elongation (°) : 101
Geocentric distance (ua) : 2.8075
Speed (arcsec/hour) :13.92
Angle (PA) : 281.84 °
RA speed : -17.6 arcsec/hour DEC : 2.9 arcsec/hour
2019-12-20T15:23:17.373600, UCAC4, Mag=14.2 nucleus
+24:55:00N, +75:33:59E,EXP: 1170 secs,12.9µm/12.9µm, 19’X14′,
SX TRIUS825, R Bessell, 1.66″/pix, CCDT= -10.0 DegC
C11/f5.1/fl 1439mm/D280mm,
OBJCRA 23 32 51.900, OBJCDEC= +39 20 56.21
Astrometrica “ADES”,PRISMv10
Cepheids Observatory, INDIA

C/2019Y4 (ATLAS) nucleus disintegration

Comet C/2019Y4 (ATLAS)
SWCREATE= PRISMv10/Astrometrica
ORIGIN = Cepheid Observatory
OBSERVER= Vora K, Agnihotri V K
DATE-OBS= 2020-04-12T14:53:27.57UT
TELESCOP= C8/1286.0mm/208.0mm+CCD
OBJCTRA = 06 40 26.591(J2000)
OBJCTDEC= +66 39 15.17(J2000)
Cepheid Observatory India
Vorion Scientific Observatory India

Note: Comet imaged using filter from 500nm to 1100nm wavelength (so C2 is expected). Here applied “Sobel contour filter” to analyses comet nucleus (and probably it went into four fragments, may be wrong too..:)). We do not find LS operation correct due to nucleus disintegration and more optical centers. Cheers!

Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS

Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS
DATE = ‘2020-04-05T17:02:47.384200’
SWCREATE= ‘PRISMv10/ Astrometrica’
ORIGIN = ‘Cepheid Observatory’
OBSERVER= ‘Agnihotri V K, Vora K
SITE = ‘+24:55:00:00/ ‘+75:33:58:99
DATE-OBS= ‘2020-04-05T15:29:46.682400UT
EXPOSURE= 120.00000 seconds
TELESCOP= ‘C8’ FOCAL = 1286.0 /Focal mm
DIAMETER= 208.0 /Diameter mm
OBJCTRA = ’07 22 31.988(J2000)/ OBJCTDEC= ‘+68 04 02.52(J2000)
Distance into the Sky/extended coma= 1’37”
Position Angle=107.72 Degree
Plotted: MagicPlotPro2.9.3
Cepheid Observatory India/Vorion Scientific Observatory India
Note: Comet seeming to be dimming at +13.8 R mag. more observations are being done.