Electronic Telegram No. 4955 Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams Mailing address: Hoffman Lab 209; Harvard University; 20 Oxford St.; Cambridge, MA 02138; U.S.A. e-mail: cbatiau at eps.harvard.edu (alternate cbat at iau.org) URL http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/index.html Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
V1710 SCORPII = NOVA SCORPII 2021 = PNV J17091000-3730500 Paul Camilleri, Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia, reports his discovery of an apparent nova (mag 9.5) on three 5-s exposures taken on Apr. 12.7625 UT with a Nikon D3200 digital SLR camera (+ 85-mm-f.l. f/2 lens), noting the variable to have an orange color; the approximate position was given as R.A. = 17h09m50s, -37d30’50” (equinox J2000.0). The variable was given the provisional designation PNV J17091000-3730500 automatically when it was posted to the Central Bureau’s TOCP webpage. R. Fidrich, Budapest, Hungary, provides position end figures 08s.11, 40″.9 measured on a B-band CCD image obtained on Apr. 12.814 with an iTelescope 0.50-m f/6.8 reflector located at Siding Spring, NSW, Australia. F. Kugel, Banon, France, measured position end figures 08s.32, 42″.6 from three stacked 30-s CCD images taken with a 195-mm-f.l. f/2.8 lens on Apr. 13.12. A. Pearce, Nedlands, W. Australia, provides position end figures 08s.10, 40″.9 from a CCD image obtained remotely on Apr. 13.632 with a 0.43-m f/6.8 reflector located at Siding Spring (reference stars from the Gaia DR2 catalogue). Additional digital-image magnitudes (unfiltered unless noted otherwise) that have been reported for PNV J17091000-3730500: Apr. 11.395 UT, [16.8 (All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae; communicated by P. Schmeer, Saarbruecken-Bischmisheim, Germany); 11.682, [13.8 (R. McNaught, Coonabarabran, NSW, Australia; 59-s exposure with Canon 6D camera + 135-mm-f.l. f/2.8 lens); 11.758, [12 (Camilleri); 11.794, [13.5 (McNaught); 12.168, g = 11.1 (ASAS-SN; independent discovery reported by Schmeer; position end figures 08s.11, 40″.4); 12.408, g = 10.4 (ASAS-SN; Schmeer); 12.55, 9.5 (R. Kaufman, Bright, Vic., Australia; green channel approximating V band, Canon 800D camera + 200-mm-f.l. lens; image posted via the following URL https://tinyurl.com/4t5akzyy); 12.583, 9.6 (McNaught); 12.687, 9.5 (McNaught); 12.796, 9.4 (McNaught); 12.814, B = 10.64 (Fidrich; the variable was very red, with B-V being at least +1.5); 12.955, R = 8.03 (V. Agnihotri, Kota, Rajasthan, India; communicated via E. O. Waagen, AAVSO); 12.965, I = 7.09 (Agnihotri); 12.972, V = 8.84 (Agnihotri); 13.12, 8.9 (Kugel); 13.372, B = 9.71 (J. Backman, Lappeenranta, Finland; via Waagen); 13.422, B = 10.05 (J.-F. Hambsch, Mol, Belgium; via Waagen); 13.423, I = 6.74 (Hambsch); 13.424, V = 8.69 (Hambsch); 13.632, V = 8.53 (Pearce); 13.633, B = 10.32 (Pearce); 13.634, I = 6.58 (Pearce); 13.787, 8.5 (F. Romanov, Yuzhno-Morskoy, Nakhodka, Russia; from five stacked 5-s exposures taken with a Canon EOS 60D camera + 135-mm-f.l. f/5.6 lens at ISO 6400 with a hazy sky; image posted at website URL https://www.flickr.com/photos/filipp-romanov/51114244018). Visual magnitude estimates for PNV J17091000-3730500: Apr. 13.068 UT, 8.8 (A. Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil; via Waagen); 13.128, 8.9 (L. Araujo, Pelotas, Brazil; via Waagen); 13.342, 8.7 (Amorim); 13.715, 8.8 (C. Wyatt, Walcha, NSW, Australia; via Waagen); 13.732, 8.8 (Pearce). Waagen also informs the Bureau that Joshi et al. have reported that their spectroscopy obtained on Apr. 12.916 UT with the Mt. Abu PRL 1.2-m telescope (range 440-900 nm, resolutions about 500 and 2000) show this to be an “Fe II”- type of classical nova caught early in its outburst, with H-alpha, H-beta, Fe II, and O I lines showing P-Cyg profiles on a red continuum (details are given at website URL https://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=14544). E. Kazarovets informs the Central Bureau that the permanent GCVS designation V1710 Sco has been given to this nova.
NOTE: These ‘Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams’ are sometimes superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
Image: Object: TCP J09370380+1657350 DATE-OBS: 2021-01-13T20:16:18 EXPTIME: 1200.0 (seconds) for V/R/I SUBFRMS: 10 OBJCTRA: 09 37 03.80 OBJCTDEC: +16 57 35.00 Instrument: Catalog: UCAC4/USNOB1 Bessell (B): +*.*, Bessell (V): +14.614 Bessell (R): +14.848, Bessell (I): +14.734 CCD: ATIK-383L+ FILTERS: V/R/I TELESCOPE: C11, 1623.0mm PRiSMv10, Astrometrica Site: ORIGIN: Cepheid Observatory, India, Vorion Scientific, India SITELAT: +24:55:00:00 SITELONG:+75:33:58:99 Observers: K.Vora, V.K.Agnihotri, B. Kumar, S. Mahawar, Remark: Sky Clear. V and R band magnitudes are estimated using UCAC4 catalog. I band magnitude is estimated using USNOB1 catalog. End
V band JD 2459228.35160R band JD 2459228.32211I Band JD 2459228.33774
Sample Marked Image
TCP J09370380+1657350 Circled
JD mag Flt SNR ZeroPt Cat Design.
2459228.32211 14.848 R R 136.93 27.223 UCAC4 TCP 2459228.33774 14.734 I I 73.31 26.073 USNOB1 TCP 2459228.35160 14.614 V V 242.13 27.536 UCAC4 TCP —– end —–