BL2005/EQJ2143+4612 (nearUGC11800)seems to in outburst:
V BAND: +14.98 UCAC4, ‘2018-04-01T23:19:01.72
Cepheids Astronomy Group, RBT, India

BL2005/EQJ2143+4612 (nearUGC11800)seems to in outburst:
V BAND: +14.98 UCAC4, ‘2018-04-01T23:19:01.72
Cepheids Astronomy Group, RBT, India
We observed after the prompt notification from Patrick Schmeer as follows:
DATE-OBS= ‘2018-04-08T17:08:48
PNV J18040967-1803581: possible nova (11.2 mag) in Sagittarius
PNV J18040967-1803581 (N:)
RA 18h04m09.67s, DEC -18°03’58.1″ (J2000.0)
2018 April 8.7229 UT, 11.2 mag (CCD, unfiltered)
Independent discoverers: Tadashi Kojima (Gunma-ken, Japan) and Hideo Nishimura (Shizuoka-ken, Japan)
We observed transient at RA: 18:04:09.456, DEC: -18:03:55.68, V MAGNITUDE= 11.74 ±0.04, B MAGNITUDE= 13.63 ±0.04.…/J18040967-1803581.html…
Cepheids AStronomy Group, RBT, India.
M31n-2008-12a, 2018-11-07T19:21:38.92
RA(2000)= 00h45m28.819s DEC(2000)= +41°54’10.05”
Site location: +24:55:00N, +75:33:59E
C11 SCT/f5.5/FL 1548.6mm/D280mm, OBJCRA 00 45 28.81, OBJCDEC= +41 54 09.9, CCDT= -9.6 DegC
Binnin: 2×2, 12.9µm/12.9µm, 19’X14′, ATIK-414ex,1.66″/pix
Catalog for astrometry/photometry: UCAC4,PRISMv10
V Bessell: Exposure: 90X20=1800 secs,MAGNITUDE= 18.91 ±0.27
R Bessell: Exposure: 90X20=1800 secs, MAGNITUDE= 19.06 ±0.37
Observers: A Raj (IIA, Bengaluru, India), V.K Agnihotri (Cepheids Astronomy, RBT, INDIA)
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