SN2023ixf, RA/DEC (2000)
14:03:38.557 +54:18:42.03
Type SN II
Imaging (1): D Singh, India, 0.08m UV/IR+CMOS
Imaging (2): G Visweswaran, USA, 0.33m Lum+CMOS
Imaging (3): Chris Kagy, USA
Measure (1): V K Agnihotri, India
Imaging & Measure (2): Dr. A Raj, 610mm V+CCD, ICSP, Kolkata, India.
Contact mail ID: ashish@csp.res.in , ashishpink@gmail.com
We report V-band photometric observations of SN2023ixf using different size telescopes, namely the 80mm UV/IR+CMOS, India, 330mm Lum + CMOS, USA, 80mm Lum + CMOS,USA and 610mm Vasistha telescope at IERCOO, Sitapur, ICSP, Kolkata. The reported magnitudes also include those obtained from pre-discovery images obtained by D. Singh from Amarkantak, India The supernova was discovered by K. Itagaki on 2023-05-19.727UT. Photometric calibrations are done using Tycho software and ATLAS catalogue.