WASP-12b, Class Exoplanet Confirmed.
Mid-time: 2456176.668258 ± 7.8e-05 BJDTDB
Period: 1.0914203 ± 1.4e-07 days
Rband Depth*: 17.35 mmag
Duration*:n3.02 hours
Teff: 6300 K, Log(g): 4.11 cm/s2, Fe/H: 0.3 dex
Rp/Rs: 0.11761006, a/Rs: 2.981
AstroImageJ 3.3.1
Cepheid Observatory India
Vorion Scientific Observatory India
Month: December 2020
Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS: V/R Photometry
Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS: V/R Photometry.
Spectroscopy: Planets
The spectroscopy of gas and terrestrial planets
Spectroscopy of Classical Nova
Spectrum: TCP J04291884+4354232 (Classical Nova)
We saw P-cygni profile in H beta and Halpha.
Nebular Spectroscopy and extinction
After posting result related to Nebular Density Ratio of M42 “Orion Nebula” The results for Nebular Density Ratio without Interstellar Redding correction were c(Hb) = 0.0:
Ha/Hb = 5.17
Hy/Hb = 0.35
OIII5007/OIII4959 = 3.0
We have corrected data for interstellar extinction using formula:
c(Hb)= 3.08Xlog(I(Ha)-7.55, Ic=IoX10^(c*f).
We found c(Hb) equal to 0.81. In continuation, the paper said the IS extinction in between 0.0 to 1.6 for M42, but most of the places it is near to value 0.8.
The results for Nebular Density Ratio with Interstellar Redding correction c(Hb) = 0.81:
Ha/Hb = 2.79
Hy/Hb = 0.49
OIII5007/OIII4959 = 2.92
See paper link https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1086/301429/fulltext/
The corrected data are shown by dotted points:
If We follow paper given in link https://www.aanda.org/…/2011/01/aa14464-10/aa14464-10.html
and use IS extinction formula given by then
The results for Nebular Density Ratio with Interstellar Redding correction c(Hb) = 0.73:
Ha/Hb = 2.97
Hy/Hb = 0.48
OIII5007/OIII4959 = 2.93
Doing this exercise We guess, the slit was exposed in a place where IS extinction was in between 0.81 to 0.73.
Hot and Cold Stars
Spectroscopy of Hot and Cold Stars
Spectrum: C2017/E4 Lovejoy
Spectrum: C2017/E4 Lovejoy
M81 Bode’s Galaxy
M81 Bode’s Galaxy
PRiSMv10(Image + Guiding)
M37 Cluster
C11/f5.8 Atik383L+/R
Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS
Comet C/2019Y4 ATLAS
SWCREATE= PRISMv10/Astrometrica
ORIGIN = Cepheid Observatory
OBSERVER= Agnihotri V K, Vora K
DATE-OBS= 2020-04-09T14:43:30.408UT
TELESCOP= C8/1286.0mm/R
DIAMETER= 208.0 // Diameter in mm
Comet filter= (Divided by Average)
Larson-Sekanina= Delta=0.0, Alpha=34 Deg
Elongate nucleus/ Possible fragmentation/forward Jet
Cepheid Observatory India
Vorion Scientific Observatory India